Decanting in the bathroom

I love organization and I love beautiful things. I hate messy looks, and when you have different types of containers in the bathroom, everything just looks messy. My solution: decanting.

Pantry decanting

Decanting is the process of placing items in bottles. I’ve been doing it for the longest time in my pantry: for the flour, sugar, rice, pasta, nuts, etc. I don’t need waterproof labels for my pantry because I rarely wash the outside and simply refill them all the time. In case I need to wash the container, I just gently rinse the inside. To label these jars, I simply printed some labels in Microsoft Word and attached it using wide scotch tape. You can download my mason jar labels here.

It has been so difficult for me, however, to decant in the bathroom because I needed labels that were waterproof. I’ve been looking in Amazon Spain for waterproof labels, but I couldn’t find any. I found these in Amazon US, however, so if you’re interested in waterproof labels for decanting bathroom items, you can use these.

Buy now on Amazon

My problem also with these labels is that there are certain items that I wanted to decant that they didn’t have a label for, such as feminine wash and alcohol. Finally, I got a lightbulb moment! I could write the labels myself on the bottle using permanent marker. It would be waterproof and I can write whatever label I want. Problem solved!

Since this lightbulb moment, I’ve decanted everything in our bathrooms. It finally made the bathroom pleasing to the eye. No more messy containers!

Try decanting to get rid of the messy containers in your life!

Mom in Madrid

The author Mom in Madrid

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